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segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015

#Borderline #Yoga & Nama$tê ^-&-^ " OOOOooommm " <---> How Yoga Works to Alleviate Your BPD Symptoms by CLEARVIEWTREATMENT in BPD SYMPTOMS, RELATED CONDITIONS, TREATMENT & THERAPY Yoga therapyYoga is one of the oldest forms of spiritual mindfulness. It was developed not only to tone the body, but to awaken the soul. When used in conjunction with a regimen of interpersonal therapy and medication, yoga has also proven to help people managing Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) make greater progress toward their goals. Many treatment centers for psychiatric disorders offer yoga as a supplemental therapy. Through breath work, physical poses, visualization, and goal setting, yoga therapy can help people with BPD and other psychiatric disorders learn to be present in the moment and feel more relaxed as they make their way through treatment. Benefits of Yoga Therapy Research has shown that the regular practice of yoga significantly reduces the following: Tension and anxiety Depression Anger and hostility Fatigue and inertia Confusion and bewilderment Impulsive behaviors Yoga therapy is a good way to manage any anxiety that you might feel as a byproduct of BPD. The breathing techniques used in yoga are useful when dealing with a lot of stress or anticipating a tense situation. Yoga therapy can also help to reduce symptoms of depression associated with BPD. In a recent study, 63 percent of people with depression who used the Sudarshan Kriya yoga breathing method for four weeks were in a state of remission from their depression. While yoga works on your brain, it also works on your body. You may notice headaches, sleep problems, and physical ailments dissipate as you begin yoga therapy. With less to worry about, you can continue at full speed on your treatment course. Getting Started with Yoga Therapy Yoga centers and classes, from beginning to advanced, can be found in most cities nationwide. All you need to start yoga is a mat (which you can purchase yourself or sometimes borrow from the yoga center) and comfortable clothes. Contrary to what you might have seen on television, yoga is not all headstands and uncomfortable-looking positions. Basic yoga consists of simple stretching that anyone can do. Yoga classes can last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. While you can practice yoga on your own at a facility near you, if you are dealing with the symptoms of BPD or another psychiatric disorder, you would be wise to find a yoga instructor who is trained in using yoga therapy. Treatment centers for Borderline Personality Disorder likely have a trained yoga therapist on staff or someone that they can recommend so that you make sure you are practicing the yoga that will best help you manage your BPD symptoms. <-------> Sinais e Sintomas #TPB Os sintomas mais característicos de TPB são uma marcante sensibilidade a rejeição, pensar sobre e sentir medo de um possível abandono. Acima de tudo, as características do TPB incluem uma sensibilidade especialmente intensa nas relações com outras pessoas, dificuldade em regular emoções e impulsividade. Outros sintomas podem incluir sentimentos de insegurança quanto a auto identidade e valores pessoais, ter pensamentos paranoicos quando estressado e dissociação grave.